Thursday, May 3, 2007

Personal Goal....

My personal Goal is to be hopefully able to make a change by trying to clean the hautapu river and make the water at the cleanest it can for the health of Taihape people.......because we do deserve better.......I also have passion for our water to be the cleanest it can ever be...... So im going to try my best and see what I can do.....


Anonymous said...

Hi there! I'm reading about your goals from Ireland and am very impressed. I hope you all have a great time with your class project!

JoMo said...

Hi Rebecca! I teach in a small school in the south of England and we are lucky enough to have a very clean river running through our town. I think it's great that you're trying to clean up your river, and i wish you every success!

Unknown said...

Hi Rebecca - I'm emailing from London. It's great to see that you and your class are tackling such an important issue with such gusto. All the very best and be sure to keep us all updated!

James' Tips said...

Hey Rebecca, I am writing from Whangamata on the Coromandel Peninsula. Good luck with your river cleaning project, I will watch your project with interest. I met your teacher when she came to visit me and my family in Singapore last year. We have spent 6 years overseas in Japan and Singapore. My husband is a great friend of Leif Hansen and I have 2 daughters; Ellie (3 years) and Summer (9months). Say a big hi to Rachel for me and tell her that her old bach has been painted and now has new fancy joinery. Chat soon, Jenny Lovegrove

PETERBER said...

Hello Rebecca,
My name is Pedro. I am from Madrid, Spain, and I am a very close friend of Rachel Chisholm. You live in a beautiful place, not only for the environment, but because Rachel is over there.
Her feeling and her halo reaches Madrid.
One day i will visit your beautiful Taihape.
Un fuerte abrazo from your antipode friend,
Pedro Bermudo

Rachel Hansen said...

Hi Becca,
Sorry you missed class on Friday. I was also away - I thought we could all catch up this Weds at interval in my office? (I am away on a course Mon and Tues).