Thursday, May 3, 2007

Issue decided!

Our year 10 class, has decided to do have a debate on what we could do for Taihape.........
we debated weather to do a number of things, river pollution,rubish bins and weather we should have cinemas........ as you can see we are very pationate about this to make a change in our water supplies. Because we do drink this water so it should be the cleanest it can..........


Unknown said...

Hello young Rae,
I am writing from Scotland where my mother's maiden name is Rae. I was interested in your exciting plans about water partly because my mother's family business - Gilbert Rae Aerated Waters - used to make lemonade and soda pop! At the other end of our family, my daughter Kate is doing a PhD at a big university near San Francisco (Stanford University) looking at how to purify water. Did you know that there are huge problems all around the world with arsenic getting into the water supply, largely because mining companies use lots of it? My last thoughts about water are that my husband and I have just spent three years in the United Arab Emirates. Because so much of their country is desert, they have to turn salt water into drinking water. That is very expensive and one of their questions is What do you do with the salt you take out of the water? If you put it back into the sea, it will kill the fish. ANYWAY ... I think your plans for Taihape are SIMPLY FANTASTIC. You should never underestimate "the power of one" person! Great stuff. Best wishes from Jane

rebecca said...

Thank you very much......You have very interesting facts that can help me with my research and knowing what is happening in bigger parts of the world...It is so exciting hearing from you because you are in another part of the world. Thanks heaps

-Rebecca Rae