Thursday, May 24, 2007

River Investigation

Today we went to the Hautapu River (Next to our school) to investigate .......
-Flora and fauna

To see if this River is really polluted???
The water from far look nice and clean but....Was it really
we got given jobs they were like
-Checking how the Clarity of the water was Michael,Teri,Ariana and Cody
-Finding bugs or other living things were Jessica,Joshua,Marika and Me
-Finding things like Fungi and other kinds of Moulds was Cassandra

Finding bugs and other creatures it was very difficult because walking on the slippery rocks and cold water. Getting there was step and the Bank looked as if it was fulling away because it needs to have more tree so the dirt will be able to hold together..

The Insects i found were quite difficult to see because they live under rocks. It was even harder to see them because they are very small. We found some Insects that were on a list showing if they were good or not so good to be in the water..

Thursday, May 3, 2007

River Visit.....

when we went for a walk to the Hautapu River in the afternoon it was not as i thought it would be, it was very dirty and unhealthy to have in this township drinking from this because we deserve better...
seeing all the rubish laying around made you wonder why they just didn't put it in the bin!!!!!

But some things have just happen by nature meaning dead animals because thats just a part of life.... But on the other hand it is not wise to throw any waste into rivers. aAnother thing is making the effort of putting thngs where they are suppose to go...
people can pollut the river without knowing they are polluting it like washing your car and maybe just dropping something on the ground...

The Was a bit more unclean then i thought it would be..

Personal Goal....

My personal Goal is to be hopefully able to make a change by trying to clean the hautapu river and make the water at the cleanest it can for the health of Taihape people.......because we do deserve better.......I also have passion for our water to be the cleanest it can ever be...... So im going to try my best and see what I can do.....

Issue decided!

Our year 10 class, has decided to do have a debate on what we could do for Taihape.........
we debated weather to do a number of things, river pollution,rubish bins and weather we should have cinemas........ as you can see we are very pationate about this to make a change in our water supplies. Because we do drink this water so it should be the cleanest it can..........