Thursday, June 21, 2007

MoViE DaY!!

Today we made a add type movie program to show how and what happens when you drop rubbish wash your car, But we did do things that don’t actually happen like for example if you drop some rubbish you don’t get tackled to the ground…………

SCENE 1: Michael in the studio

SCENE 2: Main Street dropping rubbish
Jess- Reporter
Marika & Cassie- Dropping rubbish
Josh & Becka- Pollution Police
Ari- Filmier

SCENE 3: Washing car
Teri- Filmier
Marika & Cassie- Wash car
Josh & Becka- Pollution Police
Jess- Reporter

SCENE 4: Fertiliser
Ari- Filmier
Cassie & Marika- Dropping fertilizer
Josh & Becka- Pollution Police

SCENE 5: Behind Pools
Teri- Filmier
Jess- Reporter

SCENE 6: Michael In the studio
Michael- Talker


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Tody we did.....

Today in class we were writing articles about what we are doing and how we are going to do this. This is a good chance for us to step up and let everyone hear what we got to say because we are not just doing it for ourselves it is for the whole community and we deserve better because the river is quite poor. We had 5 articles to write one for every newspaper……….

-Taihape Times
-Straight Farrow
-Ruapehu Bullentein
-Country Wide

We have done this to advance a step forward for people knowing what we do and just to get us noticed realy.... So yeah just put your Rubbish in the BIN!!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Our Trip talk!!!

Today we talked about weather we were going to go on our school trip to Wellington if the Principal would give us permission to go on this trip. We wanted to be ahead of this so we thought of all the things that would be needed for this so we thought of jobs that everyone can help with mainly with food. Other things like toiletries and clothing is our own responsibility (Of course). We all sorted into groups like……


The things we might be able to go to is the Parliament to see what is done in there and just have a look around to see what happens and we will be going to the Rubbish dump to see the new recycling idea that they do now. This sounds very exciting and can’t wait to see what happens…………..